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Jessica Tice

Dr. Adam Green: Higher education leads to higher wages

December 13, 2013

In a recent editorial, the Daily Mail argued against increasing the minimum wage. Editors noted that while it’s a tough marketplace for workers with little education or experience, the bigger question is how to expand access to jobs with higher earnings. Arguing whether the minimum wage should be increased is not within my realm of expertise. However, I believe the editors are right to point out that opportunities for low-skilled workers are increasingly limited and that growing our economy revolves around bigger issues. In my mind, we cannot talk about income equality or economic growth without addressing higher education. Increasing…

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Chancellor Hill: Hitting “restart” for those who have stopped out

August 30, 2013

For so many people who have some college credits but are no longer enrolled, the desire to walk across the stage to a degree is strong, but the prospect of returning to school is daunting. There are hosts of roadblocks, from finances to a lack of extra time and family commitments, so it’s our job at the public higher education level to even out the road for returning students. In West Virginia, we have placed an increased emphasis on helping adult learners complete their postsecondary education. And the good news is that our efforts are paying off. We are graduating…

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