Funding for undergraduate research experiences awarded to colleges and universities statewide

CHARLESTON, W.Va. – Eight West Virginia institutions received a total of $339,880 in state funding to support undergraduate research on their campuses for the next three years.
The Science, Technology & Research (STaR) division of the West Virginia Higher Education Policy Commission (Commission) awarded Summer Undergraduate Research Experience (SURE) grants to support approximately 120 students seeking substantial, hands-on learning in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) research at public and private four-year colleges and universities.
Participating schools include Marshall University, Shepherd University, West Liberty University, West Virginia University, West Virginia State University and West Virginia Wesleyan College as well as first time awardees Fairmont State University and West Virginia University Institute of Technology.
“Providing STEM undergraduate students with opportunities to do research, either in the summer or during the academic year, is critical to workforce development,” said Dr. Juliana Serafin, senior director of STaR. “We are also excited to be able to add two additional universities to the SURE program this year.”
SURE grants are supported by the Research Challenge Fund, which was established by the West Virginia Legislature in 2004 and is administered by STaR.
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